Personal Injury Attorney near Me 10474

Personal Injury Attorney near Me 10474

Our team of personal injury attorneys holds a high reputation for helping injured citizens seek the relief they deserve through the personal injury legal system. Anyone who has sustained injury on their body or has been harmed emotionally due to the negligence or wrongful actions of another party is eligible by personal injury law to file a lawsuit against the injurer, thereby obtaining monetary compensation (damages) for the pain, suffering and financial liabilities they have incurred as a result of the injury. An injury can lead to disfiguration or may even be life-threatening. If this is you, it is our duty as your legal representative to seek the maximum compensation that is proportionate to your losses. We understand how painful it is to be suffering due to someone else’s fault and for that reason we put all hands on deck to ensure that justice is obtained for our clients.

Based in New York, we offer legal services all over New York. If you live within The Bronx 10474 and searching for a personal injury attorney near you, simply put a call through to us now to get in touch with one.

Common personal injury cases we handle

Our law firm is highly capacitated with well-experienced attorneys who have over the years handled several personal injury cases for New York citizens. Our attorneys have handled cases including:

  • Car accidents
  • Medical malpractice
  • Assault and battery
  • Construction accidents
  • Elder abuse
  • Defective products
  • Child-care negligence
  • And lots more.

Important things to know about personal injury law in New York

Personal injury is any injury sustained on the body or mind of a person of which someone else is to blame for the injury. Most personal injury cases in New York are the results of accidents of which one party acted unreasonably or negligently, consequently leading to the accident.

Personal injury claims in New York are dealt with according to the State laws. For a personal injury claim to be recognized in a civil court in the state and for damages to be awarded, it must be proven to be in accordance with the laws. It must be proven that the defendant owed the plaintiff a duty of care but neglected the duty, and that this led to an accident in which the plaintiff was harmed.

Statute of Limitations

Depending on the nature of the injury, the law also specifies the mode and time limit for filing the lawsuit. The maximum time limit is 3 years from the date of the incident.

As there are many factors surrounding your case which possess great influence on its success in court, it is highly crucial you discuss your case with an experienced attorney early. Call us.


If you (or your vehicle) have been hit by another vehicle whose driver probably acted unreasonably and you ended up with some injuries, you most likely would be thinking of making a case in order to get the compensation you need to fix your vehicle and treat your wounds. If your accident occurred in The Bronx, NY 10474, it is important to note that New York is a no-fault state. This law applies to automobile accidents in which minor injuries were sustained. By the no-fault law, your injuries and medical bills would be covered by the vehicle’s insurance regardless of who was at fault.  But this law is limited to minor injuries. For serious injuries involving loss of life, loss of limb, miscarriage, fracture, disfiguration, temporal or permanent disability, a personal injury claim may be filed.

Comparative fault

In a personal injury case, faults are compared. The law acknowledges the fact that people may want to take advantage of others even when themselves were personally at fault. If you had a hand in your own misfortune, the extent of your fault would be compared to that of the defendant. If they were also partly at fault, then the damages they would be asked to pay would be equivalent to the percentage of their fault. This obviously would be less than what you would have gotten had you been completely faultless.

Call us

Without bias for the status of who you are suing, we would apply the law to its extremes to ensure justice is served. Knowing the trauma our clients must be going through, we treat them with empathy and only get our fee when we have won you damages. Give us a call to speak with a personal injury attorney near you.



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