Personal injury attorney 10467

Personal injury attorney 10467

Get legal help by contacting our expert team of personal injury attorneys

Our team of personal injury attorneys has helped several injured victims get justice and compensation for getting wrongfully injured. We understand the pains and trauma you would face having to bear significant injuries which may include loss of a limb or even brain injury from an accident which would not have happened if that person had acted more sensibly.

Such injuries may cause you significant life-time challenges, preventing you from being able to work and earn, confine you to a bed or chair, constant medical checkups and therapy, and so on. And all the while your injurer would be enjoying their lives never minding what their reckless action has put you into. This is quite traumatizing for anybody, and so we put it upon ourselves to find you justice. We would handle your case with empathy and compassion to make the legal process as easy and less complex for you. If you live around The Bronx 10453, you can easily get in touch with a personal injury near you by calling our law office today.

Catastrophic injuries

Some injuries are life-changing as compared to other minor injuries. These injuries may permanently alter your appearance for worse, damage cognitive and/or mobile function, and your entire ability to live life to the fullest.

Examples include:

  • Dismemberment
  • Brain injuries
  • Neurological impairment
  • Paralysis
  • Severe burns, etc.

These injuries are regarded as catastrophic and often require life-long medical treatment and therapy. Also, a proportionally larger amount would be awarded as damages to cover for the bills and optimum standard of life that has been taken away from you.

Reasons for personal injury law

There are two primary reasons why personal injury laws were set up.

  1. To compensate injured victims financially as this goes a long way in their recovering process, medical bills, and lost enjoyment of life.
  2. For punitive purposes so as to deter people from endangering others in the future.

It is highly crucial for the injurers (who caused injuries out of their sheer carelessness or intention) to pay for the damages they have caused, medical bills and lost wages that the injured victim would no longer be able to earn due to the injury or resulting disability. To prevent people from suffering unjustly, all formal entities are guided to place high standard of care in their working environments to ensure not just their own safety but that of visitors.


The law of no-fault is adopted in New York for minor injuries. In a car accident where the injury is not serious, the insurance policy of the car will cover the costs. “Serious” here refers to injuries involving death, loss of limb, loss of fetus, temporal or permanent loss of a body function for up to 90 days during the 180 days from the date of the accident.

How we can assist you

Our personal injury lawyers are highly knowledgeable and experienced to litigate your case and win you the relief you deserve. Your hired attorney will help review your claim if it has the potential of success as a personal injury lawsuit. He’ll also walk you through the complicated legal procedures involved in filing your claim, putting together a network of evidence, witness and police report, and presenting them in the courtroom. Your personal injury lawyer offers legal guidance in your path towards overall healing.

Note that you may be dealing with your insurance company or even a high profile business entity. Our personal injury attorneys possess the tactics to carry out mediation and settlement out of court with such companies. We are also never intimidated by high-class defendants and are not afraid to go to trial. A court trial has more opportunity of winning you more money but only if it can be won. Knowing this, we would do all that is legally possible to give you an excellent representation that speaks to the emotions of the jury, and ensure you get the full amount of compensation you deserve.

Time matters

You must file your claim in court within three years of the accident. It typically ranges from 1 to 3 years. Waste no time. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.



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